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Frequently asked questions


“How did you come up with the idea for Pauli Broccoli?”


Sydney, 4 – Alberta, Canada


Being a mom to 2 awesome kids, I felt the need to create a fun educational brand that gets kids excited about healthy eating habits. I also think it’s very important to introduce everyone to different countries and cultures around the globe. Pauli Broccoli is the perfect hero to take us on this exciting adventure!

“How many friends does Pauli Broccoli have?”


Emma, 6 – Texas, USA


Pauli Broccoli currently has 45 friends from 32 countries. He always goes on new journeys and makes new friends wherever he lands.

“Can Pauli Broccoli be on Netflix?”


Brett, 4 – Ontario, Canada


We are hoping to see Pauli & Friends on Netflix one day! For now you can watch Pauli’s adventures on our YouTube channel.

“Do you have Pauli Broccoli cartoons in different languages?”


Hazim, 5 – Dubai, UAE


We are working hard to add every language imaginable to our cartoons! As of now they are in English and German. If you have language suggestions - please let us know.

"What’s the story about the big blue bird?”


Farrah, 3 – Paris, France


The big blue bird, also known as Sojourner, is Pauli’s best friend. He met Pauli one cold fall day on his farm in Tasty Town, USA. Sojourner was on his yearly migratory flight to warmer climates when he decided to land for a little nap. This is where he found a lonely and sad Pauli in the back of a field, where the farmer had forgotten to pick him! Sojo invited Pauli to join him on a world travel adventure, and they have been best travel buddies ever since!

“I have an idea for a new character. Can I PLEEEEASE show you?"


Stirling, 4 – Alberta, Canada


We would LOVE to hear your new character ideas!!! You can email us (with a parent's help) at

“Can I be in your youTube videos like the other kids?”


Mika, 4 – Stockholm, Sweden


Yes! We’re always looking for more awesome kids to feature on our YouTube channel! You can email us your videos (with your parent’s help) here:

“Will Pauli Broccoli be coming out with more books?”


Levi, 4 – Sydney, Australia


We are always working on new content, and see more books in the future as well!

“Does Pauli have more friends in new places?”


Piper, 5 – Atlanta, USA


Yes! Pauli is always traveling to new countries and making new friends! His ultimate goal is to visit every country in the world & make healthy friends in all of them!

“Can you tell me where I can find healthy snack recipes?”


Julio, 7 – Mexico City, Mexico


Check out the recipes in our Adventures of Pauli Broccoli book! Pauli also shares recipes on his Instagram, Facebook, and Website!

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